About Skybeds

About Skybeds

Skybeds is a Dutch Travel Management Company, specialized in hotel procurement and travel risk management projects for airlines worldwide.

With a realistic and practical mind-set we assist airlines in building the best crew hotel programs and identifying opportunities for improving crew hotel stays, whilst controlling and saving costs. We have the people, quality and possibilities to deliver practical and cost effective results.

We believe in advancing best practices from our fields of expertise in airlines, hotels, safety & security and transportation. This enables us to take on projects, no matter its scale, location or scope, with the same flexible and creative attitude.

Mission, vision and values

Our mission

We take care of our clients interests as if they are our own; with passion, skill and confidence. We strive to build a relationship of trust with every client, for the long-term. At Skybeds we aim for sustainable growth that contributes not only to the business objectives, but also to the economic, societal and social development of our stakeholders.

Our vision

We want to be leaders in building better companies by using our ingenuity to successfully meet the needs of our clients. Through the integration of different areas – strategic, financial and operational – we offer our clients contemporary, one-stop-shop consulting services. The design of our industry and functional teams enables us to take on every project in our fields of expertise, no matter its scale or location. In this way we aim to be our clients first choice, while being an attractive employer to our people and achieving sustainable growth for our shareholders.

Our values

Skybed’s values – safety, operational excellence, ingenuity, respect, integrity – are the foundation of how we will work to achieve our goals and to be visible and active in the community, setting high standards of social, environmental and regulatory responsibility. As individuals and as a firm, we gauge our success in terms of our impact on the performance and long-term health of our clients’ business.

Who we are


Managing Director

Koen’s 20 years of procurement experience enables him to understand the dynamics in the travel and aviation industry from various levels. His practical and managerial knowledge makes him a professional procurement expert.


Senior Procurement Specialist

With over 20 years of experience in tourism in a wide variety of roles and positions, Ronald has a great track record in travel.
In his international career, Ronald has taken responsibility for hotel contracting, product development and international partnerships, leveraging his broad and global network. He has been a driving force of market leading travel companies such as TUI and Thomas Cook. In his role as board member, he has been co-creating and driving strategy, strongly focused on product differentiation and delivering customer value.


Senior Procurement Specialist

Richard is highly experienced in developing and implementing (risk) management systems. As one of our senior procurement specialists he brings on board relevant and specialized procurement experience.


Senior Procurement Specialist

Bas is a commercially driven procurement professional with a positive attitude. One of his key strengths is being able to build solid relationships and trust on all levels where his solid analytical skills guide him in choosing the right strategy.