At Skybeds we understand that the punctuality and reliability of your airline’s
schedule is paramount. The crew transportation is part of a logistical chain that must be optimal to create a smooth and reliable operation. We can maximize the value of your ground transportation budget and ensure your operation runs as smoothly as possible.


Airline crew transportation can be challenging and dynamic. Our transportation partners understand how important it is to keep crews on schedule even when the schedule is changing. We pride ourselves on our reliability and flexibility to meet the demanding needs of a global airline operation.

Crew transportation services

Requirement analysis

Explore, advise and agree on the requirements for selecting a suitable crew transportation company. The requirements, or Terms of Reference as we call it, completely depend on the airline policies and objectives as well as the agreements with unions and/or crew representatives.


It forms the crucial basis for the next steps in the procurement process, allowing the airline and procurement team to measure the success on achieving the objectives and requirements. Generally this document is drafted and agreed upon by all stakeholders involved in the crew transportation sourcing process.

Auditing of current crew transportation company

The current crew transportation supplier at a particular destination will be systematically and independently examined against the airline’s requirements. All contracted services by the airline are checked against the actual crew transport service and any finding(s) will be documented.


All rates and conditions are benchmarked against other similar and suitable crew transportation companies at the same destination and you will receive a detailed compliance score with regards to the existing requirements.

Market analysis

In this phase a particular destination will be analysed. Amongst many variables we will study supply and demand, fleet age and quality, and the development of crew transport rates.


Skybeds will map the requirements, including weight factors, against a selection of potentially suitable transportation companies at a destination. Based on the outcome we will shortlist the most suitable transportation companies and issue a request for information (RFI).

Site inspections

We take pride in inspecting every transportation company personnally. It has been proven that a personal inspection produces more successful results for both parties and establishes stronger and lasting partnerships.


During a transportation company assessment we pay special attention to the safety procedures and equipment, drivers experience and professionalism, and the general quality of the cars/mini-vans.


In the negotiation phase we can assist and represent your airline to obtain the best possible crew transportation contract. Our procurement specialists have decades of negotiation experience in the aviation and travel industry.


They are capable of looking at a negotiation from multiple angles to ensure that besides a competitive rate also elements like for example flexible terms and conditions are addressed.