Many airlines feel the responsibility, and have the duty of care, to do everything “reasonably practical” to protect the health and safety of employees. Therefore, insight in the risk(s) of their travelling activities is essential. Our QSSE (Quality, Safety, Security and Environment) specialists can assist you in developing or improving the airline’s policies and procedures. This will improve the well-being of the crew and also contribute to an enhanced reputation as a responsible employer.


Aircrew Safety & Security can be seriously impacted by various hazards and risks when they are travelling and residing abroad. Food and drinking water quality, local culture, as well as the availability and capabilities of emergency response services are only some of the realistic challenges crews face. Both the airline and it’s crew have a shared responsibility to mitigate the risks as much as possible.

Crew travel risk management

Crew Travel Risk Management Program

Through this service airlines can be assisted to setup a Travel Risk management Program.

Subjects to consider are:

  • Risk exposure
  • Risk Assessments
  • QSSE Policies, Procedures & Behaviours
  • Emergency response planning & procedures
  • Guidance for staff

Crew Accommodation Risk Assessment

When offering accommodations for aircrews, assessing Quality, Safety, Security, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility will enable airlines to accommodate staff in safe and secure properties.

We perform QSSE assessments using a risk based assessment tool, covering:

  • Risks related to specific crew comfort needs
  • Relevant QSSE aspects
  • Crew transportation
  • Emergency Response provisions

Crew Destination Risk Awareness

This service will assist crews to understand the risks they may face in the country and city they travel to, and what they can do to manage them. In essence the service consists of providing risk specific information about destinations, including but not limited to:

  • Culture and recommended behaviour
  • Road Safety
  • Leisure activities
  • Emergency Response provisions
  • What to do/how to act in case of an incident